Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Snakes n Barrels Pickles

Sorry about the eye-gougingly bright colors, but that's how it was back in the day *lol*

Sweet lord this has to be the gayest thing I've ever done XD


Unknown said...

WOOOW you hardly ever draw pickles but you do it so well! pickles is actually my favorite ^_^ this picture is great. love the pose, anatomy, and composition! the colors burn so good buuurrrnnn

Unknown said...

oh btw i am eyepatchmcgee on the LJ

Katzchen said...

Thank you ^^

I need to draw him more. I love his hair because it's so different from what I'm used to drawing.

His hair is fun, whether it's his big ol' SnB hair or his current dreadover *lol*

Holkie said...

I want his hair, damnit.

Anonymous said...

I dunno sweetie, you've drawn some pretty gay things...

This is easily in the top five tho. XD

AmyC said...

I just love how you drew the boots!

Katzchen said...

Thank you ^^

riverotter7 said...

I wish my hair were that thick!! he is sooo gorgeous!

Katzchen said...

Oh I know! Pickles' hair was godly back then, wasn't it?

Kinda makes you wonder what happened 20 years later *lol*

Anonymous said...

wow thats pretty impressive, makes me wish i could draw... then i see the nude Skwisgaar and i am very glad i cant draw lol.

Katzchen said...

XD lol Thanks, man ^^

I'm trying to cut back on the nudes. They usually come about because I'm too lazy to draw clothes.